Book Mock ups for social media – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, including stories and reels!
Book Mock ups for social media – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, including stories and reels!
Five Book mock ups created for you – Just upload your book covers, in JPG or PNG – Two hour turn around for Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, including Instagram and Facebook stories and book mock ups for reels. Where can I get Book Mock Ups Free? There are lots of places that offer this, but if you’re hard pressed for time or want a same day service to market your books on social media then Tish Social can provide fast book mock ups for authors, publishers and writers.
Why do authors need a book mock up?
Its important to be ready for the time when people are looking to buy books and on platforms like Amazon one of the largest book buying platforms in the UK and globally. How to get people to buy your book is another matter but one that can be helped on social media.
Tish Social markets your books on social media with book mock ups for authors, publishers and writers using a range of marketing tools on the web and on platforms where people buy books. This includes using graphic design software where an authors’ book or one you’re planning to publish, can be placed in real life settings.
Here are some Free Book Mock Up Services on the web.
Canva is a great place to make your own book cover and mock up. FreePik offers free and licensed images with their pro account. SmartMockups also offer Free mock ups alongside their pro account.
Many book mock ups we see with people holding and reading books seem to have a fee attached. This is because its evidenced that people buy books when they see people holding them and reading them (or any product). We respond to people’s images, faces and social and real life settings that we see ourselves in or the person we are buying for or marketing to. It’s familiar and offers a warmer connection to the product.
Why a fast service?
Think a Christmas or Thanksgiving book marketing drive with your book being read by someone sitting in a cosy chair with a blanket, near an open fire, with a mince pie or slice of pumpkin pie beside them on a plate. Right?
So, with this in mind, marketing your book NOW is an opportunity to have a piece of the book buying ( mince ) pie too! Tish Social is a UK based, US, Aus, (and global) experienced marketer offering a design service across time zones. And, we’re also offering something for free too, if you purchase the Five Book Mock ups in time, with a FREE Book Mock up email signature in September. All ways of marketing your book need to be considered. Purchase here and email your book covers and your details. Use a WhatsApp call for global times of same day service! ( See Contact Page)
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